Since much of Adaline Ave is inspired by, and about the loss of a spouse, the following resources are suggested for further reading and support:
- It’s OK That You’re Not OK, by Megan Devine: Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold, this is an excellent and comforting resource for those who have lost spouses. It is written in such a personable style that most of the themes apply to all types of grief.
- Megan Devine’s website, which contains online opportunities for grief activity and resources. Also, consult YouTube for Megan Devine’s videos.
- Healing After Loss, by Martha W. Hickman: This book is a daily reading format having many quotes and readings that may be helpful.
The following comments are personal opinions of Peter Loss regarding grief:
I worked with an individual therapist following the loss of Maria and remain an active member of a hospice-based grief support group.
On a purely personal note, timelines, guidelines (stages), cultural cliches (“time heals all wounds”, “he’s in a better place”, “stay strong”), unsolicited advice and judgments (in some professional circles, a griever’s struggle with healthy ongoing grief after one year, is referred to as Prolonged Grief Disorder) are not helpful. Each griever follows his/her own path. Grief can be an unpredictable, tumultuous, bewildering, and oftentimes isolating journey. There are triggers and reminders everywhere.